12apocp@gmail.com st. I.K. Akhunbaeva, 92, Bishkek, 720020 0312 54 94 60 рус кыр

Requirements for the Article

Rules for writing articles

When submitting an article to the scientific committee, we ask you to adhere to the following rules:

1. Design of the article. The article is printed at 1.5 intervals, in Times New Roman font, font size 14, on an A4 sheet, with bold headings and subheadings. Margins: top and bottom -2.0 cm, left - 3.0 cm, right - 1.0 cm.

2. Illustrated material. The article is accompanied by illustrated material in the form of photographs, drawings, radiographs, graphs, and tables. Figures (graphs, diagrams) submitted in electronic form must be in files with the extension TIFF, BMP, JPEC, PPT. Any program that supports these formats can be used. The number of illustrations (photographs, drawings, drawings, diagrams) is no more than 6. Radiographs should be sent with a diagram. The captions provide an explanation of the meanings of all curves, letters, numbers and other symbols. The captions for microphotographs indicate the magnification (eyepiece, objective) and the method of staining or impregnation of the material. Tables should be visual, have headings and be numbered. Diagrams made in MS Excel must be submitted in .xls format and in the form of a drawing, which will allow them to be pre-printed. Diagrams are printed using monochrome printing, so when designing them, it is preferable to use patterned filling of the lenses and different character of the lines.

3. Volume of articles. no more than 15 pages for original, 20 for literature review, 8 for clinical observation.

4. Structure of the article. At the beginning of the first page of the article the following is written: 1) the title of the article in the center in capital letters in bold font, without a dot at the end (no more than 12 words), 2) initials and surnames of the authors (number of authors - no more than 5), in standard bold font, 3) the legal name of the institution(s) from which the work came, the academic title (academic degree), the initials and surname of its (their) director; full name of the department or division (indicate the academic title, initials and surname of the head in brackets), in standard font; city, country where the institution(s) is located. If the work is submitted from several institutions, then they are numbered superscript before the title. The authors of the article should be numbered superscript after the last name in accordance with the numbering of these institutions. UDC is placed above the title of the article (aligned to the right margin).

Structure of the original article (IMRAD): “Introduction”, “Purpose”, “Materials and methods”, “Results”, “Discussion”, “Conclusions” (conclusion), “Literature” (Citation in the work article). A summary with keywords is attached separately.

5. Summary of the article. The article must contain (not connected with the main text) a summary in Russian, Kyrgyz and English (in separate text, 150-250 words) with a brief indication of the purpose of the study, materials and methods used, the main results obtained and conclusions (without highlighting headings) , a list of keywords (at least 7).

ATTANTION! The article must be carefully checked by the author. All names, chemical formulas, dosages, numerical data in tables and figures, dimensions of laboratory and clinical indicators must be verified. Submitting articles previously published or submitted to other journals or collections is not permitted. Articles not prepared in accordance with these rules are not considered by the scientific committee and will not be returned.

Structure of the article (IMRAD):



Title of the manuscript

No more than 12 words


Number – no more than 5

Name of institution, city, country


The article must be accompanied (not connected with the main text) by a summary in Russian, Kyrgyz and English (in separate text, 150-250 words) with a brief indication of the purpose of the study, materials and methods used, the main results obtained and conclusions (IMRAD)


List of keywords (at least 7).


Brief overview of the problem under consideration, what is known in the world, what is known in the Kyrgyz Republic, what are the gaps in existing knowledge on the problem under study


Statement of the purpose of the study

Materials and methods

The section includes (depending on the nature of the study) the following subsections:

Object of study. Place and time of the study.

Information about all materials used, information about all medications used, etc.

Information about the equipment used, instruments with which the examination, treatment or operation was carried out.

Description of the selected diagnostic or treatment methods, including dosage and mode of administration of the drug
Describes the research in detail so that its results can be reproduced in the future, what stages the research included and in what sequence the research activities were implemented at each stage.

Describes what statistical methods were used to verify the results obtained, as well as what software package was used.

It must be emphasized that the participants expressed their voluntary consent to participate in the experiment and exclude mention of their personal data, except for those for which there is written consent.


Present the recorded results in a logical sequence following the research procedure and summarize the most significant observations. Present statistical data (if necessary: M±m, P±m, Ме (25-75 percentiles), correlation/logistic regression, odds ratio/relative risk, P value, confidence intervals, etc.) Data presented in the text, should not be duplicated with data in tables and graphs. The results described must clearly correspond to the stated objectives of the study and the formulated hypothesis.


Provide an interpretation of the main data obtained and relate them to the existing ones, while it is important to note whether they correspond to the hypothesis and objectives, to comment on all the shortcomings and limitations of one’s own research that influenced the results recorded in the study. Compare the results obtained in the study with studies by authors from different countries whose works were commented on in the introduction. When citing both sources that confirm your point of view and those that refute it, you must maintain scientific objectivity and not falsify data. Suggestions for practical applications and directions for future research.


The significance of the study and evaluation of the results for clinical practice and science. Conclusions must be consistent with the stated goal.


Literature Works cited in the article (no more than 25)